Each Subcommittee is comprised of members of the GCCHT. It is the responsibility of these Subcommittee members to conceptualize, develop and implement projects to address gaps in education, training, legislation and victim services relating to exploitation in Georgia with the goal of making a lasting impact on combating this issue within the state. Each yearly project must clearly identify the target population to be addressed and show where a change in knowledge, behavior, attitudes, or conditions will occur as a result of the work. One of the clear innovations of this framework is the way it structures the work so that numerous projects will be proceeding concurrently to ensure that multiple aspects of the human trafficking issue are being addressed simultaneously. In this way, the Coalition members conceptualize, develop, and implement innovative projects designed to identify a gap or limitation in existing activities, outputs, and outcomes relative to collective impact goals for which innovation is needed due to the existing system’s inability or unlikeliness to attempt said innovation. This approach allows the Coalition to address needs that either are not being addressed by established programs in the service system or are not being addressed to the needed level of frequency, intensity, or duration.
Law Enforcement Committee:
The Law Enforcement and Prosecution committee is composed of law enforcement and Prosecution agencies that meet once a month to develop data-informed human trafficking risk assessments, share intelligence, identify potential targets, and strategize ongoing or future investigations and prosecutions. This subcommittee gains significant advantages by employing the guidance of both state and federal prosecutors at the outset of investigations. This structure allows multiple investigative agencies to resolve turf disputes, share criminal intelligence and informants, allocate resources to the most promising leads, and assess investigations.
Victim Service Committee:
The goal of the Victim Services subcommittee is to ensure that high quality and appropriate services are available to victims of trafficking, regardless of gender, race, age, and demographics. The Victim Services committee is made up of agencies and nonprofit groups from a variety of fields and they strive to implement procedures that ensure smooth referrals and collaboration among involved agencies. This subcommittee will engage in creating resource, asset maps, referral lists to identify go-to organizations and existing gaps in services, referral agreements, and critical services.
Training Committee:
The Training subcommittee aims to strengthen both task force members’ and the community’s capacity to address human trafficking. This subcommittee creates and connects members and stakeholders with basic and advanced training dependent on the targeted population and will strive to involve experienced trainers from a variety of fields, including law enforcement, victim services, victim impact/survivor consultants, and other specialized service providers such as legal assistance or mental health. Common activities of this subcommittee will include planning for training opportunities for each member, train-the-trainer events, and organizing training opportunities for new members attained through outreach activities.
Public Outreach and Community Awareness Subcommittee:
The Public Outreach and Community Awareness subcommittee takes the lead in coming up with language/messaging and media to be used when coordinating public interfacing activities for the task force. This subcommittee integrates the look and feel of the message into all advertising, print materials, event promotions, and Web presence. This committee also focuses on developing partnerships and involving additional community members and organizations in task force activities. This subcommittee will work collaboratively with local groups and organizations to promote anti-trafficking awareness, education, training, and victim identification.
Strategic Planning, Policy and Legislation Committee
The Strategic Planning, Policy, and Legislation subcommittee will discuss the gaps and impediments to addressing human trafficking and identifies policies and legislation that can address those challenges. The committee might also brief the task force on any pending legislation that might impact its work in addressing human trafficking. This subcommittee is also responsible for making recommendations for the standard operating procedures and protocols for the GCCHT and will help ensure that whatever procedures are developed will align and intersect with each member’s existing protocols. This committee is accountable to the task force and should work with all members to develop procedures and processes that ensure orderly functioning across key tasks. Additionally, this committee can be charged with regular strategic planning. This may include setting annual goals for the task force, reviewing data from task force members to analyze differences in the work of various members, or conducting periodic needs assessments.